8 Top Essential Oils for Respiratory Support and Problems

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Essential Oils Respiratory Problems
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Essential Oils for Respiratory Support to Help You Clear Congestion and Breathe Better!

For people with respiratory problems, knowing the best essential oils for respiratory support can be of great help.

In this post today, you will find the best essential oils for respiratory health, plus a breathe easy diffuser blend and a steam blend for congestion.

Essential Oils for Respiratory Problems

There are different types of respiratory problems; it could be as minor as the common colds or as severe as pneumonia.

Research shows that most respiratory problems such as asthma, sinus and COPD are also chronic.

Truth is, whether minor or serious, respiratory problems can be very discomforting.

Anyone who has suffered from a cold can attest to this! I have had common cold only once or twice in my lifetime and I can tell you it wasn’t fun at all. And I pray I never have it again!

Upper respiratory system infections affect the nose, mouth, sinuses and throat, while lower respiratory system infections normally affect the lungs and low bronchial tubes and are normally more severe.

Related Article:

Symptoms of Upper Respiratory Infection

  • Congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Facial pain
  • Lack of appetite
  • Restlessness
  • Fever

Symptoms of Lower Respiratory Infection

  • Persistent cough that produces green, yellow, brown or gray mucus from the lungs
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Flared up nostrils
  • Chest pain
  • Fever

Best Essential Oils for Respiratory Problems

Here are some of the best oils that help with respiratory conditions:

#1. Eucalyptus

Plant Therapy USDA Certified Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade. 10 mLPlant Therapy USDA Certified Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade. 10 mLEucalyptus is one of the best essential oils for respiratory problems because of its ability to support every aspect of the respiratory system.

It is known to clear congestion, reduce mucus and clear infections, thereby supporting healthy breathing.

Eucalyptus also helps to calm inflammation in the respiratory system as well as other parts of the body.

It is also effective at reducing the feeling of tightness in the chest or head, thus helping to ease headaches, especially when used in an inhaler.

Although eucalyptus is great for respiratory issues, it is important to note that it is also very strong, making it unsuitable for children under 10 years old.

Even though research has shown it can be helpful for bronchial asthma, caution needs to be taken for those with asthma. It has been known to set off an asthma attack in some!

The good news is, you can use cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) essential oil as a substitute for children under 10, and for the adult that cannot use eucalyptus.

#2. Juniper Berry

Juniper Berry essential oil does a great job in helping the body fight infections especially colds and flu. It supports the respiratory system and clears congestion, helping you breathe better.

#3. Tea tree

Tea tree fights infections, calms inflammation, soothes allergies, breaks up mucus and clears sinus congestion, making it an ideal essential oil for respiratory infections.

However, you need to be cautious with tea tree essential oil, because it can sometimes cause a skin-sensitization reaction.

Skin sensitization is a type of allergic reaction that occurs in places other than where the oil is applied. Some of the symptoms include itchy skin, rashes and eczema.

To avoid sensitization, always do a test batch before use, use small amounts, dilute the oil before use and swap oils so you are not using one particular oil for a long period of time.

#4. Cardamom

Very comforting and uplifting, cardamom boosts circulation and clears congestion, making it an effective essential oil for respiratory problems.

#5. Lavender

Lavender has a lot of health benefits, which include respiratory support. It supports the respiratory system by clearing infections, soothing allergies and reducing sinus congestion.

In addition, lavender also acts as a natural sleep aid and we know that getting enough sleep helps our body heal faster and boosts our general wellness. The fact that it also smells so good is a bonus!

#6. Cedarwood

A great substitute for eucalyptus (for children, or even adults), cedarwood helps to open the airways by clearing infections, congestion and mucus. It’s also great for relieving tightness in the chest.

Not only does cedarwood clear congestion, it also helps with sleep. So, if your child has problem sleeping because of congestion, try diffusing cedarwood before bedtime. This will help the child breathe more easily and sleep better.

#7. Orange

Orange has a sweet comforting scent that helps to calm inflammation. It is an effective essential oil for respiratory congestion because of its ability to clear infections, relieve tension, break up mucus and clear sinus congestion.

Moreover, it has a mild and juicy aroma, which is why it is one of the best essential oils to use in children’s blends.

#8. Frankincense

Frankincense has anti-inflammatory and healing properties that help to clear infections, reduce mucus and congestion and promote healthy breathing.

And I love the fact that frankincense is a very gentle EO, which makes it safe to use by people with a delicate system, including children and the elderly.

There are even more essential oils for respiratory infections such as rosemary, lime, thyme, black spruce, lemon, hemlock and myrtle.


Safety First When Using Essential Oils


If you have never used a certain essential oil it is important to see my sections on topical use and other essential oil safety concerns:


How to Use Essential Oils for Respiratory Health

The best ways to use essential oils for respiratory problems is by inhalation and topical application.

There are also three types of inhalation methods and they are as follows:

  • Diffusion – Add few drops of essential oils to your diffuser and you inhale the fumes as the oils disperse
  • Inhalers – Inhalers are very convenient because you can take them along wherever you go and inhale whenever you need to.
  • Steam Inhalation – Add 1-2 drops of EO into a bowl of hot water; drape a towel over your head as you lean over the bowl of water with eyes closed and inhale.

Respiratory Essential Oil Blend Recipe 1: Breathe Easy Diffuser Blend


Just add the essential oils to a diffuser and disperse.

URPOWER 2nd Version Essential Oil Diffuser Aroma Cool Mist HumidifierURPOWER 2nd Version Essential Oil Diffuser Aroma Cool Mist HumidifierVicTsing 300ml Cool Mist Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Essential Oil DiffuserVicTsing 300ml Cool Mist Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser

Respiratory Essential Oil Blend Recipe 2: Steam Blend for Congestion


Blend all the essential oils in a glass bottle. I prefer a bottle with dropper like this one, because the dropper makes it easier to use the right amount of essential oils needed.

Add 1 drop of the blend to a glass bowl of hot water. Drape a towel over your head, lean over the bowl of water with eyes closed and inhale the fume for a couple of minutes.

Other Natural Remedies for Respiratory Support

Aside from essential oils for respiratory problems, there are other natural remedies you may also find helpful and some of them include:

Anti-inflammatory Diet – Eat anti-inflammatory foods that will help fight inflammation in your body and boost your immune system.

Vitamin C – Ensure that you eat a lot of vitamin C-rich foods to help boost your immune system. With a strong immune system, your body will be able to fight off infections.

Bone Broth – Not only does bone broth help to strengthen the immune system, but it also contains vital nutrients that help your body heal faster.

Probiotics – Probiotics replenish the good bacteria and balance your gut flora, thereby making your immune system strong enough to fight off infections.

Water – Stay hydrated! Dehydration can make your situation worse because your body needs enough fluid to heal and function optimally. Water also helps to loosen mucus, making it easier for you to breathe. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day (1 glass every 2 hours).

EchinaceaEchinacea has anti-viral properties that help to fight respiratory infections. It has been found to be helpful for relieving sore throat and headache associated with respiratory infections.

Hopefully, you will find one or more of these essential oils for respiratory support helpful.

Essential Oils Respiratory Problems

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It is always recommended that you seek the advise of your private medical doctor.

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