7 Top Natural Herbs that Help You Sleep Better

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Natural Herbs Help You Sleep
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Sleeping Can Get Easier with Herbs that Help You Sleep Better and Naturally!

Insomnia is not fun at all, so knowing the herbs that help you sleep can be very helpful for those who have sleep problem.

7 Herbs that Help You Sleep Better and NaturallyStatistics show that chronic insomnia affects tens of millions of people today.

And whether you have chronic insomnia or just have a mild trouble falling asleep or having a restful, deep sleep each night, you will find these herbs helpful.

Herbs and herbal extracts have been used for centuries as a natural treatment for not just insomnia, but several other health conditions.

I struggle with sleep on and off, so I’m always looking for natural ways to help me sleep. Herbal remedies and essential oils are some of the natural sleep aids I have found very helpful.

Moreover, unlike the conventional sleep pills (OTC and prescription alike), these natural remedies are not addictive!

Top 7 Herbs that Help You Sleep

Herbs Make You Sleep

Remember that not all herbs are right for everyone! If you are frail, on medications, have chronic health problems, are pregnant, or breast feeding, or have allergies to some plants, herbs, or flowers you should talk with your physician before using herbs!

Also, this is written with adults in mind. If you are considering using herbs for a child talk with their Pediatrician first!

#1. Valerian Root

Valerian is one of the most commonly used herbs when it comes to tackling sleep disorders.

When used alone or in combination with other herbs and herbal extracts (particularly lemon balm and chamomile) it can work wonders in helping you tackle not just insomnia.

It can also reduce your stress levels and help you cope with anxiety and nervousness.

Valerian root has been found to have many healing properties and it tends to increase the amount of GABA (gamma aminobutryic acid). This has shown to have a calming effect on the body, helping you relax and sleep better.

Organic Valerian Root Powder - Valeriana Officinalis (Mood & Mind) 4 oz. (112g.)Organic Valerian Root Powder – Valeriana Officinalis (Mood & Mind) 4 oz. (112g.)Traditional Medicinals Organic Nighty Night Valerian Tea, 16 Tea BagsTraditional Medicinals Organic Nighty Night Valerian Tea, 16 Tea Bags

#2. Lavender

Ancient aromatherapy and herbal medicine texts record the use of lavender oil and extracts for sleep and other related disorders. And it has been in use for centuries – that’s just how effective it is.

Lavender extracts have also recently been used for relieving digestive ailments. Its relaxing properties also help to reduce stress and anxieties and help promote more positive and relaxed feeling and outlook.

In fact, lavender oil is often used as a natural remedy for depression especially among PTSD patients.

If you have increased anxiety and stress due to an incident, lavender essential oil (diffused or even just added to your bath water  (diluted) can work wonderfully to help you feel more relaxed and calm, making it easier for you to sleep better.

Organic Lavender Flowers (Extra Grade - Dried) - 4oz Resealable Bag - 100% Raw From France - by Feel Good OrganicsOrganic Lavender Flowers (Extra Grade – Dried) – 4oz Resealable Bag – 100% Raw From France – by Feel Good Organics

#3. Chamomile

Packed with disease-fighting antioxidants, chamomile is probably the most versatile herb there is.

Several studies have found that chamomile (in the form of tea or essential oil) can be extremely helpful in reducing anxiety levels and helping you sleep better by turning off yours body’s always active stress response.

Chamomile is also an effective natural allergy fighter. I can also help improve vitality,  reduce muscle spasms as well as the severity of PMS symptoms.

Sunbest Organic Chamomile Flowers, Egyptian, Whole / Loose, Caffeine Free, Herbal Leaf Tea - Relaxing Tea (3.5 Oz)Sunbest Organic Chamomile Flowers, Egyptian, Whole / Loose, Caffeine Free, Herbal Leaf Tea – Relaxing Tea (3.5 Oz)

#4. Passion Flower

Passion Flower is actually a very underrated yet super effective herb that can help you sleep better.

How? Its extracts have been found effective against inflammation, anxiety, asthma, high blood pressure, menopausal symptoms and insomnia.

Combing this herb with Valerian root extracts can help reduce depression symptoms and keep you more positive.

This can also be of great help if anxiety is the root cause of your insomnia.

#5. California Poppy

Research shows that California Poppy can be used as a natural remedy for sleep and many other health conditions.

Its extracts regulate the circadian rhythm and help you establish a healthy sleep cycle and routine.

It also helps to stimulate the release of serotonin and dopamine, which has a natural mood boosting and sedative action that can help you go to bed and sleep much better than you used to.

You’ll find this Californian poppy in the form of supplements and tinctures, or you can simply brew a cup of tea before your bedtime.

#6. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is another great herb to consider if you’re looking for some effective herbs that help you sleep as well as improve your overall health.

(It has been used by some to help children sleep and is said to have a calming effects on kids who are prone to impulsiveness and hyperactivity It is thought to be safe for children on a short term bases.  I always recommend discussing the use of herbal remedies with a Pediatrician first!)

And recent findings show that lemon balm can help strengthen the heart and the liver, be helpful for diabetes, improve concentration levels, and boost mood.

Organic Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis Dried Loose Leaf by Nature Tea (2 oz)Organic Lemon Balm – Melissa officinalis Dried Loose Leaf by Nature Tea (2 oz)Traditional Medicinals Organic Lemon Balm Tea, 16 Tea BagsTraditional Medicinals Organic Lemon Balm Tea, 16 Tea Bags

#7. St John’s Wort

St John’s Wort can be helpful particularly for those who are experiencing sleep troubles due to depression.

Certain chemicals present in this herb can help boost mood and get you into a more neutral and relaxed state, thereby helping you sleep.

Studies show that people who have insomnia have a higher risk of being depressed, so it becomes a dreadful vicious cycle that is very difficult to break.

The ability to break this vicious cycle makes St. John’s Wort a very helpful herbal remedy for insomnia.

Remember to consult with a medical doctor before using herbal remedies especially if wanting to give to child, or if you have a pre-existing condition, on medication, pregnant or nursing.

I hope you find the above mentioned herbs helpful in your fight against insomnia. Have you tried using herbs for sleep? If yes, which ones? And did they work for you? Feel free to share your experience using the comment form below.

Click here for more posts on how to get better sleep naturally.

Natural Herbs Help You Sleep

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It is always recommended that you seek the advise of your private medical doctor.

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